As a primarily fresh air experience, a windjammer cruise is probably one of your safer choices for these times.
Maine Windjammer Cruises follows the guidelines set out by our governor and the U.S. CDC. We will continue to maintain high levels of sanitation and our crew members will be fully vaccinated.
During boarding and other times when social distancing is not possible, passengers are encouraged to wear masks.
We encourage all passengers to respect their own health and that of others by taking advantage of readily available vaccines, boosters and rapid home testing prior to sailing.
While on our vessels, we request that those who are unable to or have chosen not to become vaccinated, continue to practice social distancing or wear masks when that is not possible.
Thanks to these precautions, in 2021 and 2022 we welcomed a full compliment of passengers without any Covid incidents.
Our fleet and crew are ready to welcome you aboard again for the 2023 sailing season!