Swift is a very special vessel designed in 1935 by Murray Peterson, a masterful naval architect famous for his coaster designs. Originally intended as a luxury yacht, she was launched in 1983 after nearly twenty years of love and dedication to build her.
A diagram of Swift below decks and a more detailed description is on our Accommodations page.
Maine Windjammer Cruises continues a proud 89-year history reflecting the vision and custodianship of just four owners.
For more detailed information and historic photographs about the windjammer tradition in Maine, you can purchase a copy of Captain Williamson’s book, Keeping the Tradition Alive. Profusely illustrated, this book is a must-have for all sailors and nautical history buffs.
Book $25, plus $10 shipping/handling
For those interested in Galley operations and culinary offerings, Ann Williamson’s Maine Windjammer Cruises Cookbook is a must. During MWC’s early years, Ann managed the provisioning for the fleet, trained several ships’ cooks and served as one of those cooks. This book contains her favorite recipes which continue to receive rave reviews from our passengers.
Book $22.95, plus $5 shipping/handling